197. How to use AI to Build a Wealthy Spirit
Here are three useful ways Michelle and I use ChatGPT
This week, Michelle and I discuss how we use ChatGPT to make our lives easier and build a wealthy spirit. As we’ve mentioned in previous episodes, we’re both very cautious about social media and media use. We don’t use Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, or similar platforms. Given this careful approach to online tools, some might wonder why we’ve decided to engage with AI.
I had my reservations at first. I worried that something with so much information about me could eventually impersonate me—maybe even access my bank accounts! (A bit Scrooge McDuck, I know.) Others have different concerns about AI. To get a clearer picture, I asked ChatGPT what it thought were the top three real and perceived fears of AI.
My own use of ChatGPT started out innocently enough, mainly for work. I used it to help write prior authorization letters and letters of medical necessity for durable medical equipment. But soon, I found myself using Chat for personal tasks as well—party invitations, editing blog posts, and even crafting nuanced text responses. Why do I feel comfortable using ChatGPT? Simple: Chat is good at her job. It’s efficient and organized, and sometimes, that’s all you need.
Here are the top three ways Michelle and I use ChatGPT, as discussed on today’s podcast:
Creating a Daily Schedule
Self-Discovery and Self-Improvement
Managing Finances Practically
For example, let’s dive into #3, managing finances. During my lower-income sabbatical years, I’m converting my pre-tax 401(k)/403(b)/457(b) funds to a Roth IRA. This lets me pay taxes now at a lower bracket and avoid taxes on investments and gains when I withdraw at retirement. However, I also want to qualify for the maximum health care tax credit, which currently covers my health insurance premium in full.
To figure out how much I could convert while still qualifying for the credit, I used ChatGPT to help pinpoint that ideal income level. Then, I confirmed the numbers with the calculators on healthcare.gov. This approach gave me an exact figure, balancing my tax and healthcare goals.
What’s the single most useful way you’ve found to use AI tools? Tell us in the comments below!
Show Notes:
AirHelp: Partner For This Episode
Check out our partner for this episode, AirHelp. AirHelp is a part of the Association of Passenger Rights Advocates (APRA) whose mission is to promote and protect passengers' rights. Click this link if you've had a cancelled or delayed flight as well as support our podcast: AirHelp Affiliate Link
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Hi girls I just spoke with your amazing mom and she said I can email with you guys I would love too… my problem is I have credit card dept and feel I want to get that paid then I can save I don’t know how to do both… I was wondering your thoughts.. maybe do both or just pay my cc off first!!! Eeek I’m a lil overwhelmed at times. I love all your ideas I just think I need to have some free money first maybe??? Thanks for the advice