We often think about what money can buy us. Before I started earning, I fantasized about all the things I could purchase. I wanted all the makeup, clothes, vacations, and trips around the world. It was the wish list of a girly girl who watched a bit too much Sex and The City.
For three years, I indulged in all my girlhood desires. Bars, nightclubs, shopping, and traveling were my main activities, but over time, they lost their excitement. I was also exhausted.
I began to cut down on everything. Michelle and I moved out of our four-person house to a place just for us two. We stopped traveling so much. I started saying no to social engagements. With less on my plate, I had more energy and felt just as happy as before.
I didn’t realize how saving money could play a role in minimalism until I discovered the financial independence movement. Money wasn’t just a tool to add things to my life; it could be used to subtract things that were taking me away from doing what I wanted with my time.
In September 2023, I "bought" myself out of work and have been on a sabbatical for the past ten months. The break has drastically changed my perspective on life. It's hard to imagine how busy I was before my sabbatical. Now, I can exercise multiple times a day, regularly see friends, and participate in social activities that help me grow as a person. I have more control over my diet and sleep 7-8 hours every night.
When we pay to eliminate things, we pay for time and peace of mind. What are some ways you have used money to subtract things from your life? Comment below.
Enjoying a daytime stroll and latte with Michelle at Second State Coffee in Downtown Charleston
Show Notes:
Chris Janson- Buy Me a Boat
“Having money isn't everything, not having it is.” ― Kanye West
Nassim Nicholas Taleb defines Via Negativa as, “The principle that we know what is wrong with more clarity than what is right, and that knowledge grows by subtraction. Also, it is easier to know that something is wrong than to find the fix.
Eckhart Tolle, the spiritual teacher who lived in a park for a year.
“We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like” -Dave Ramsey
Community Time:
Want to take a sabbatical? Michelle is hosting her second Sabbatical Course with Toby! Learn about sabbaticals and join a community of like-minded seekers.
Thank you Paul and Harris at
for your comments on 180. Dependency is NOT a Bad Word.Check out The Mangineer & PHarris on YouTube- They recently went to Landmark and found it life-changing!
Thank you Elle for your compliments on the podcast and for listening!
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