Sammie and I originally interviewed Paul Millerd one year ago. At the time, I was starting out writing online and growing my sabaddies on the internet. Sammie was still working as a PA and we were living in the middle of nowhere.
What a year! It’s wild to listen to this episode and see the seeds Paul planted in 2023. At the time, Sammie had no intention of leaving her job for another couple years. At the end of the episode, she mentions how she now sees a path to taking a break before reaching her FI/RE goals. Eight months later, we moved to South Carolina and Sammie is now the one on a sabbatical.
Paul’s Interview was our most popular interview in 2023. Not only in numbers. So many people reached out to comment on his story and we have handed out so many copies of the books since this episode. At my last count, four people have left their corporate jobs and have taken a sabbatical since listening to this episode (including Sammie!).
For me, listening to this episode again came at the perfect time. Something Paul highlights is that any path can be difficult, and The Pathless Path is no different. There are ups and downs. He shares how he had a low energy day the day before we recorded. Sitting here, I’m reflecting on the fever I spiked last week. I felt like my whole week was lost. At the same time, I was grateful I had the option to take a few days off. It was permission-less.
Paul also reminds me that this journey is long! He says it’s not easy, it comes with self doubt, but it can also be worth it. Something he shares that I’ve found only to be more and more true is that nothing about the Pathless Path has to be an all or nothing leap. We are evolving. We evolve our relationship to work. There’s no shame in whatever path you choose.
We loved riffing with Paul in this episode about rethinking the corporate path and why people like us choose to walk down the unknown path. Paul also asks me how I can be so chill! I feel marginally less chill these days but it’s true, my baseline is surprisingly even keeled.
We are giving away copies of
’s The Pathless Path again with this replay, so leave a comment or send us an email if you’d like a copy! We will give them away until we run out.Find and Connect with Paul Millerd:
The Pathless Path by Paul Millerd
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Show Notes:
The Disadvantages of an Elite Education by William Deresiewicz
“Every year I’m renewing my subscription to the company” - Brandon Moore
Life Is in the Transitions: Mastering Change at Any Age by Bruce Feiler
Michelle’s interview on The Pathless Path Podcast
I am on my sabbatical and have stumbled upon "The Pathless Path" a few months ago. I would love to read and learn from the book!