105. The Pathless Path with Paul Millerd
Interview with Paul Millerd author of The Pathless Path
Sammie and Michelle have the great pleasure of interviewing Paul Millerd, author of The Pathless Path. Paul wrote The Pathless Path after straying off the default path. The default path was going to university, getting a good job in consulting, going to business school and back to work. He left his job with no plans, moved to Taipei and changed his life when he decided to walk the pathless path.
Paul Millerd Information:
Show Notes:
The Disadvantages of an Elite Education by William Deresiewicz
“Every year I’m renewing my subscription to the company” - Brandon Moore
Life Is in the Transitions: Mastering Change at Any Age by Bruce Feiler
Giveaway: Listen to the end of the episode to find out how to get a signed copy of The Pathless Path!
Listen to Michelle on the Pathless Path Podcast!